Anna H headshot


Admissions Counselor responsibilities include visiting high schools, attending college fairs, and meeting with prospective students and families on campus.

Admitted Student Outreach: 

Main point of contact for admitted students with last names: S - Z


Chanhassen, Minnesota

Alma Mater & Major:

Montana State University- B.S. Human Development and Family Science

Favorite thing to do in Bozeman:

I love anything that gets me outside and gives me the opportunity to explore this beautiful place we call home! My favorite place in the area is the Gallatin Canyon, where I spent the last five years working as a zipline guide. Some of my fondest memories include zipping every day, rafting the Mad Mile, and camping out with friends under the canyon moon.

Best college memory:

Cheering the Bobcats on to victory at my final Brawl of the Wild football game! I was a member of the Spirit Squad, and Cat/Griz happened to fall on my senior night. I will never forget the surreal feeling of leading the pre-game run out onto the field with my teammates; flags waving as the rodeo team circled the field on horseback, the band proudly playing our fight song, the explosion of fireworks, and the anticipatory roar of 17,000+ Cats fans. My dad traveled from halfway around the country to walk me across the field for my final time; it was truly special for my 4 seasons of dance to lead up to such an epic conclusion! (The 48-14 win didn’t hurt either!)

Words of wisdom:

Take every opportunity to try new things and make new connections. You never know… That activity that seemed scary before could one day be your greatest passion. That stranger across the hall could be your next best friend. That class that sounded “slightly interesting” could introduce you to a whole new and exciting career path.College is a time for exploration and growth; do not be afraid to push yourself outside of your comfort zone.



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