By Ed Levert, ChairForest Stewardship Foundation

Image of Ed Levert wearing glasses and a black and white checkered button up.

This is about the time of year that we start seriously planning for the annual Forest Landowner Conference in Helena. We have April 19 reserved at the Colonial Delta Helena Marriott Hotel for the conference. At this time we are still making arrangements for the program. This year’s theme is “Becoming the Best Forest Steward Possible.” We are confident that once again we will offer a conference of value for both forest landowners and professional resource managers.

An additional bonus this year is a half-day workshop on the day following the conference on techniques for managing noxious weeds and the use of herbicides and non-herbicide applications for forest management. It seems forest landowners are always looking for better ways to combat weed issues with either herbicides or non-chemical management. The same can be said about the use of chemicals in forest practices. You may want to consider using MCH anti-aggregation pheromone pouches to deter Douglas fir beetles or spray organic pesticide BT (Bacillus thuringiensis) to control spruce budworm.

We are pleased that our Forest Stewardship Foundation will be sponsoring a fifth forest stewardship workshop in September in Condon. MSU Extension Forestry has experienced budget shortfalls for 2024 and we are pleased to be able to provide financial help. After all, our foundation was formed to make sure these workshops remain available to Montana forest landowners.

If you aren’t already a member of the non-profit Forest Stewardship Foundation, you can join with a low dues payment of only $25 per year. Our mission is to provide educational opportunities for forest landowners, resource professionals and the general public. We do this by sponsoring the annual Forest Landowner Conference, providing educational workshops and publishing a bi-yearly Forest Stewards Journal that goes to more than 1,200 addresses.

Save the Dates

  • April 19, 2024: 14th Annual Landowner Conference
  • April 20, 2024: Weed Control and Forest Management Using Chemicals and Non-chemical Measures

For more information go to or contact Ed Levert at 406-293-2847.