The Geospatial Core Facility is much more than just GIS analysis.

Our equipment and team support the entire workflow of all things geo-spatial from primary data collection using a suite of different sensors and platforms to sophisticated analysis that includes:

  • Advanced mapping and geo-spatial analysis that leverage Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle (UAV) or drone-based sensors that use LiDAR, hyperspectral, thermal, orthoimagery, & Structure from Motion
  • High precision mapping and analysis using GPS and GNSS
  • Acoustic Doppler Profiles of rivers, reservoirs, and lakes
  • Data visualization and cartography
  • Remote sensing using active and passive sensors
  • Geo-spatial analysis, data development, and management
  • High Performance Computing infrastructure that leverages all of the above using open source and proprietary software

Internal Clients

Montana State University and Montana University System Organizations

  • TT and NTT Faculty, Professional and Support Staff, Administration
  • Graduate and Undergraduate Students

Geospatial Data Services

  • Identifying, acquiring, creating, or analyzing geospatial data
  • Hosting and managing geodatabases
  • GIS programming support

Geospatial Surveying and Mapping

  • Primary data creation in the field using UAVs and GPS systems 

Cartography and Data Visualization

  • Creating map and data visualization products 
    • Includes development of static maps, interactive maps, geo-visualization, and more.

Technical Training and Assistance

  • Providing expertise and training (formal or informal) on geospatial approaches and methodologies
    • Examples include:
      • Holding a workshop to train faculty members and graduate students on operating a UAV system to collect LiDAR data

Curriculum Development

  • Providing advice and consultation on developing and implementing geospatial approaches in the
    • Examples include:
      • Providing access and information on geospatial resources for instructors and students to use in the classroom
      • Developing a lab assignment for a course
      • Consulting on course design

Grant Support

  • Reviewing and collaborating on grants that incorporate geospatial research or approaches

Project Management

  • Oversight and supervision of active GCF projects and engagements

External Clients

Public and Private Organizations Outside of the University System

    • Federal, State and Local Governmental Agencies
    • NGOs and Non-Profits
    • Private Firms and Organizations


Geospatial Data Services

  • Identifying, acquiring, creating, or analyzing geospatial data
  • Hosting and managing geodatabases
  • GIS programming support

Geospatial Surveying and Mapping

  • Primary data creation in the field using UAVs and GPS systems 

Cartography and Data Visualization

  • Creating map and data visualization products and deliverables
    • Includes development of static maps, interactive maps, geo-visualization, and more.

Technical Training and Assistance

  • Providing expertise and training (formal or informal) on geospatial approaches and methodologies
    • Examples include:
      • Holding a workshop designed for non-profits that want to incorporate online spatial maps on their website

Grant Support

  • Reviewing and collaborating on grants that incorporate geospatial research or approaches

Project Management

  • Oversight and supervision of active GCF projects and engagements