Data Analysis Tutorial
Session 1: Introduction to Statistical Methods
Session 2: Normalized Gains and Descriptive Statistics
Read Hake article - Interactive-engagement versus traditional methods
Read Stewart & Stewart Article - Correcting the Normalized Gain for Guessing
Video: Part A
Video: Part B
Pre/post normalized gains problem set pdf
Pre/post normalized gains problem set Excel
Mean Median and Mode
Box and Whisker Plots
Session 3: Likert Data and Inferential Statistics
Review: Lovelace & Brickman article
Read Basics of Data Literacy Chapters 6-8 and pgs 68-70
Analyzing Likert Data
The Statistical Test Choice Chart
The Statistical Test Choice Chart with Examples
Statistics Glossary
Nonparametric Methods
Answers to Making Inferences
The Statistical Test Choice Chart
The Statistical Test Choice Chart with Examples
Statistics Glossary
Nonparametric Methods
Answers to Making Inferences
Session 4: Qualitative Data Analysis
Session 5: Culminating Assignment
Mock Data Analysis Problem Set: Methodology Description, NOS Test, NOS Pre/Post Scores, Think Like a Scientist Pre/Post pdf, Think Like a Scientist xcel, Final Interview Responses
Mock Data Analysis Problem Set: Methodology Description, NOS Test, NOS Pre/Post Scores, Think Like a Scientist Pre/Post pdf, Think Like a Scientist xcel, Final Interview Responses
Session 6: Mock Data Analysis Activity