OTTR's services are designed to streamline interactions within the technology sector (Concept, Solution, Need, and Resources) to enhance transition outcomes. Leveraging its extensive experience in technology transfer and transition, OTTR employs a variety of methods, tools, and expertise tailored to each project's unique requirements.

NEED Green hand with arrow pointing into palms

Technology Landscape Map

To provide a comprehensive understanding of the current state of technology products, IP, and research for a focus technology. 

Forecast of Customer Needs

To provide an analysis of potential customers, their current needs and expectations, and future opportunities for application of technologies that may be of value.

Key services offered by OTTR revolve around its core capabilities, which include:

  • Information Research & Analysis (IR&A): Conducting in-depth studies and analyses of technology translation operations, processes, technologies, or resources to provide strategic and actionable insights.
  • Method and Tool Development (M&TD): Designing, testing, and validating new methods or tools for technology translation to improve operational or process efficiency.
  • Mission-Focused Technology Translation Assistance: Providing direct support to DOD and Government programs, academia, and industry in project scoping and execution to enhance technology translation processes. 


SOLUTIONgreen hand holding a light bulb

Customer Intelligence

To identify target customers, including Federal programs, and their requirements relative to technology focus areas.

Customer Connections

To facilitate connections with target customers via customer-centered test events, conferences, and technology showcase events.

Technology Development

To advance the technology readiness level directly with the industrial organization to meet customer needs.

Manufacturing Readiness

To advance the manufacturing readiness of the industrial organization to meet customer requirements and demand.  


OTTR's services encompass a wide breadth of capabilities and depth of products, all aimed at facilitating effective decision-making for leadership that saves time, resources, and lives. The Services list outlines specific OTTR capabilities with examples of projects and product applications in sector interactions.

CONCEPTgreen hand with lightbulb and pencil hovering over the palm

Technology Viability Assessment

To assess viablity of early-stage technology and provide recommendations for technology development. 

Business Opportunity Assessment

To demonstrate a technology's potential to industry partners.

Technology Development Assistance

To directly support technology development through design, manufacturability, or knowledge readiness assistance.

Partner of Licensee Scouting

To scout for an industrial partner to advance technology development of license IP. 

three circle venn diagram with overlap and arrows on the outside.

RESOURCEThree outlines of heads, with lines connecting all trhee in a circle.

Data Platform

A secure and online tool for projects, IP portfolio, and success stories.

Tech Translation Body of Knowledge

A repository of tools, methods, techniques, and resources to assist in technology translation.

New Tech Translation Approaches

Development of new approaches and tools for technology translation.

Success Stories

Development of tools to capture success stories which may include technology translation metric development.