Technology Translation Model (TTM)
In 2023 OTTR conducted a study for the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, leading to recommendations for streamlining technology advancement from DOD Labs to DOD Program Offices. This study gave rise to the Technology Translation Model, which outlines the processes and interactions crucial to technology translation.
Research organizations fail to understand customer requirements and technology landscape, resulting in research that is not responsive to customer demand.
The maturation of technology often faces numerous obstacles, known as the Valley of Death (VoD), where the interactions among research, industry, and customers pose significant challenges.
Industry organizations are not producing products or services for the customer base due to lack of connectivity and insufficient understanding of the need, resulting in missed sales and growth opportunities.
Research organizations develop early-stage technology that does not provide a viable business opportunity, resulting in limited transition of technology out of research to industry.

Research and industry are ineffective in the translation of technology, due to poor processes, limited resources, or lack of attention, resulting in missed opportunities to respond to customer demand.