Begin Your MSU Experience Today
Get a jumpstart on your academic experience at Montana State. You are invited to enroll in an online summer course to Kick Off your College Career.
You may sign up for Kick Off summer classes now! Our advising team will register you for your summer classes.
Students are still required to attend an Orientation and Class registration session. You will not be able to register for your fall semester classes without attending a session. Learn more about available sessions on the Orientation website.
What is the Kick Off program?
The Kick Off program allows students to take an MSU course remotely over the summer, gradually transitioning into their collegiate academic career. Available courses satisfy many of the general education (MSU Core) credits students take during their time at MSU, and are specifically chosen and designed for new students. Learn more about this year's offerings below!
Available Classes
Please note: Minimum enrollment thresholds must be met to offer the courses listed below. If these are not met, MSU reserves the right to cancel any course offerings. Registration closes on June 22nd, 2020, or when a course reaches capacity.
Want more information about MSU? We're here to help.
If you have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us! You can email our
staff at, or call us Monday - Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm MT at 1-888-MSU-CATS.