Precalculus | (M 151Q)

Instructor: Katie Adams
Dates: June 29 - August 7
Credits: 4
Course Prerequisites
ACT 25/SAT 590 with any high school math experience or GPA; or ACT 23/SAT 560 with high school GPA of 3.7 and a high school precalculus or calculus course
Course Description
Ensure you’re on track to start Calculus at MSU in the fall by developing an understanding of the concepts that are the foundation of calculus. If you're concerned that you weren't able to finish your high school mathematics coursework with the knowledge to prepare you for Calculus I at MSU, this will be an excellent way to firm up your skills and earn college credits. Society relies on quantitative thinkers to navigate the changing world, and this course will provide the expertise you need to establish a firm footing in STEM disciplines. The course will include asynchronous (recorded) lecture clips and synchronous (live) meetings for questions and discussion with the professor.
About the Instructor
Katie Adams is an experienced teacher of M 151Q at MSU. She earned a BSBA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and an MED with certification to teach mathematics from the University of Montana at Missoula.
You may sign up for Kick Off summer classes now! Our advising team will register you for your summer classes.
Students are still required to attend an Orientation and Class registration session. You will not be able to register for your fall semester classes without attending a session. Learn more about available sessions on the Orientation website.