A visit to the MSU campus provides opportunities to meet faculty, staff and students, and to explore life at Montana State! Selecting a college is an important decision, so families are always welcome and encouraged to participate. Check out what programming we have available for you below!

Daily Visits Information and Registration

Group Daily Visits Registration

Saturday Campus Tours

Virtual Meeting Options

Gallatin College (East Campus and Aviation)


Available Sessions

We look forward to answering all of your questions about the admissions process, scholarship opportunities, academic programs, student life, Bozeman life, and everything else that Montana State University has to offer. This is a casual visit (not an interview), so families are encouraged to join in on the fun.

If you are an international student, please contact the International Programs office for admissions information.


Monday - Friday

9 a.m. & 2 p.m.

1 hour

By appointment as needed otherwise

Campus tours are led by our student AdvoCats and encompass the main areas of campus with a narration of the academics, student life and history of MSU. Tours last 45-60 minutes and depart at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Monday-Friday.


Monday - Friday

10 a.m. & 3 p.m.

1 hour

This presentation offers an engaging overview of a typical day for a student at Montana State University (MSU), with a focus on both academic and residential life. Presented by current MSU students, they showcase their experiences including a variety of academic activities, from attending lectures and participating in labs to engaging in group projects and studying at the library. The presentation also explores the benefits of on-campus living, such as the proximity to classes and resources, the supportive residential communities, and the easy access to dining facilities. The day wraps up with a look at evening activities, including campus events, recreational facilities, and social gatherings, all within the engaging environment of the campus.


Monday - Friday

11 a.m. 

~45 minutes

Student Commons Ambassadors are student volunteers within Montana State University’s Student Commons that provide guidance and insight for prospective students who are considering making MSU their next home. Student Commons Ambassadors serve as a vital resource for underrepresented students throughout every stage of the admissions process.

Learn more about our Student Commons Ambassadors online here!


By appointment

Please schedule in advance

  • Architecture Info Session: This meeting includes information about the Architecture/Environmental Design program, scholarships and academics, as well as a tour of the facility.
  • Jake Jabs College of Business Info Session: This meeting includes information about the College of Business, scholarships and academics.
  • Health & Human Development Info Session: This meeting includes information about the Kinesiology, Human Development & Family Science, and Early Childhood Development majors.
  • Honors College Information Session: This meeting includes information about the Honors College.
  • College of Agriculture Info Session: This meeting includes information about degrees housed in the College of Agriculture, scholarships and academics.
  • College of Nursing Information Session: This meeting includes information about the College of Nursing, scholarships and academics.
  • Engineering Info Session: This meeting includes information about the College of Engineering, scholarships and academics, as well as a tour of the facility.
  • University Studies Info Session: This meeting includes information for undecided students and those who want to explore a variety of majors before declaring a specific degree.

If you are interested in meeting with a different academic option not listed above, please leave a note on the visit form and we will do our best to schedule a meeting for you.


Various times weekly

Please schedule in advance


Group Daily Visits

We welcome larger group visits every year, including high schools, TRIO programs and more! We can accommodate these visits Monday-Friday, year-round, excluding federal holidays and MSU Fridays. To schedule a campus visit for a larger group, please fill out the group visit request form. You can also email or call our Campus Visit Coordinators to discuss what options are available.

Johanna Moore

Johanna Moore

Campus Visit Coordinator

   201 Strand Union Building
   (406) 994-1989
   [email protected] 
Andromeda Abarr

Andromeda Abarr

Campus Visit Coordinator

   201 Strand Union Building
   (406) 994-1989
   [email protected] 

Questions? We're here to help.

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us! You can email our staff at [email protected], or call us Monday - Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm MT at 1-888-MSU-CATS.