Livestock & Small Animal Projects: Dairy Cow
General Information
Project Leader: Shawna Oostema
Each exhibitor and parent participating in this department is responsible for reading and complying with the Livestock General Rules and the additional information section pertaining to this project. Members must be currently enrolled in the dairy project and all animals shown at the fair must have been in the exhibitor's possession by May 1, 2019.
All 4-H members are required to complete a record book and an interview prior to the fair and all check in and check out times must be followed. Each exhibitor is responsible for checking in their own animals during the vet check/check in time at fair.
Alterations to the check in and check out times may be considered but such requests must be made well in advance to the project leader and are subject to approval. Each exhibitor will also be required to participate in the showmanship division at either the junior or senior level based on the exhibitor's age. Each exhibitor is also required to create a poster on a dairy related topic to be displayed within the barn area. Entry fees of $5/head is due with completed entry form.
Neck ropes must be used on all dairy animals which are stalled in the barn area. All animals must be fed/watered and milked out before 9:00am and stalls must be presentable to the public at all times. Exhibitors will also be required to sign up for barn duty throughout the week. An award will be given at the end of the fair week to the exhibitor who best demonstrates good herdmanship throughout the week.
Department: Dairy Cow
(participation required of all exhibitors)
CLASS 1 Novice Division – (first year member, any age-if you opt to show here, not eligible for Round Robin)
CLASS 2 Junior Division – (ages 8-13)
CLASS 3 Senior Division – (ages 14 & over)
The top placed animals from each class will be judged for Grand and Reserve of Show immediately following the completion of the breed/age show. Age is based on how old the animal is as of the fair check in date.
CLASS 1 Bull Calf
CLASS 2 Heifer Calf (under 7 months)
CLASS 3 Junior Heifer Calf (7 months - Dec 1st-July 1st)
CLASS 4 Senior Heifer Calf (8-10 months - Sept. 1st-Nov. 30th)
CLASS 5 Summer Yearling Heifer (11-13 months - June 1st – Aug. 31st)
CLASS 6 Junior Yearling Heifer (14-16 months - March 1st – May 31st)
CLASS 7 Winter Yearling Heifer (17-19 months - Dec. 1st – Feb. 28th)
CLASS 8 Senior Yearling Heifer (20-23 months - Sept. 1st – Nov. 30th)
CLASS 9 Junior Milking (2 year old, 24-29 months - March 1st-Aug. 31st)
CLASS 10 Senior Milking (2 years old, 30-35 months - Sept 1st – Feb. 28th)
CLASS 11 Milking (age 3, 4 & 5 years)
CLASS 12 Milking (age 6 years and up)
A poster of a dairy related topic is required to be completed by all dairy project members. Posters must be ready to be displayed on fair check in day.
CLASS 1 Junior Options (4-H ages 8-13)
CLASS 2 Senior Options (4-H ages 14+)