Beef Awards

The Montana Hereford Association 
Lorrie Wacker, 143 Muddy Loop Road, Plentywood, MT 59254, (406) 895-2670

  • Hereford Windbreaker Jacket to a County or multi-County Grand Champion Steer of the live show if properly documented as a Hereford
  • Hereford Windbreaker Jacket to a County or multi-County Top Steer of Merit or equivalent, (i.e., in counties using ultrasound rather than actual plant measurements), if properly documented as being at least 50% Hereford ancestry
  • Hereford Windbreaker Jacket to a County or multi-County Supreme Champion Female or equivalent, (i.e., overall breeds and ages showing), if documented as being purebred Hereford
  • Certificate of Achievement to a County or multi-County Champion Hereford Steer or Female if documented as being Hereford.

Award winners will be notified of and be invited to the annual Montana Hereford Association convention and Beef Bash held in conjunction with the Montana Stockgrowers Convention in Billings in December. Awards will be shipped to those not able to attend. 

The Park/Gallatin Hereford Association will award $25.00 to the Champion Heifer and $15.00 to the Reserve Champion Heifer if they are at least ½ blood Hereford.

The Park/Gallatin Hereford Association will award $150.00 to the Grand Champion Market Steer if it is straight Hereford.  

The Montana Angus Auxiliary will award a Jacket to the winning 4-H or FFA Exhibitor with an Angus Breeding Project, within the following criteria: 

  • Winner must have competed & won against three other breeds, not necessarily all Black Angus.
  • Winner must be straight-bred BLACK ANGUS, registered or commercial, (Red Angus do not qualify).
  • Exhibitor must own the animal prior to the Fair – leased animals will not be eligible. 

The Montana Angus Auxiliary sponsors a Montana Silversmiths Angus Belt Buckle to the outstanding junior exhibitor with a Black Angus Heifer, Cow, Cow/Calf pair in the breeding project at the Fair. The following guidelines will apply: 

  • Black Angus breeding stock receiving a blue ribbon in the show are eligible (Red Angus do 
  • Quality of the exhibitor’s project must be considered.
  • Steers will no longer be considered for this award
  • Size of the project (number of animals exhibited), completed record system, & related projects could be considered, if necessary.
  • Exhibitors must own the animal prior to Fair, leased show animals are not eligible. 

The Montana Red Angus Association will award to any champion or reserve champion Red Angus steer a Montana Silversmith Belt Buckle.  They must be named champion or reserve champion at a COUNTY fair. 

  • Red Angus steers are to be progeny of a registered Red Angus bull or out of a registered Red Angus cow.
  • This does not mean they are registered, but it does give us a blood percentage.
  • Winners must contact Esther Fisher to verify the criteria and receive buckle at 406-632-5598.  Or write: Esther Fisher, President MT Red Angus Assn., P.O. Box 2913, Harlowton, MT 59036.  E-mail:  [email protected]

The Montana Simmental Association will give an award for the Grand Champion Market Steer, Grand Champion Carcass and Grand Champion Female for 4-H or FFA, if the animal is identified on their stall or barn card as being Simmental or Simmental cross. Contact Clay Lassle, 42 Road 245, Glendive, MT 59330, (406) 486-5584 with a list of winners, pictures of winners if possible, and jacket sizes so awards can be ordered.

Some of these awards are subject to change.  

Beef Committee

Members: Melanie Duffin, Brandi Elfland, Seth Halverson

General Comments

  • Each exhibitor, parent and leader participating in this department is responsible for reading and complying with the Livestock General Rules and information section pertaining to this specific project.  Members must be currently enrolled in the Beef project through Gallatin County 4-H or FFA.
  • Entry fees of $15.00/head + $15.00 for each animal entered in carcass contest are due with completed entry form to the Gallatin County Extension office by entry deadline.
  • All 4-H beef members are required to complete a record book and an interview prior to fair for the beef project. Please contact the Extension Office to schedule interview time.
  • Neck ropes must be used on all beef cattle in the barn and in the tie out area outside. Cattle must remain in the barn until the designated tie-out time of 6:30 p.m. unless otherwise stated by the Beef Committee.  Animals must be tied in the barn and be fed and watered before 9:00 a.m.
  • ALL requirements must be met on the Beef Project Requirement Agreement that all members sign at the time of the initial January weigh-in.
  • All exhibitors will participate in an Educational Option Written Test. This written test will be given at the Fair at the mandatory meeting. Tests will be given according to Novice, Junior, and Senior class, and tests will be graded.   
  • It is required to participate in Showmanship.  Age divisions are as follows: Novice (first year), Junior (8-13), Senior (14 & over). Only the Grand and Reserve from the Junior and Senior Divisions will be eligible for the Round Robin.

Rules & Regulations

  1. All market and carcass beef must be owned and in possession of 4-H member by the mandatory January weigh in, no less than 180 days prior to fair. The exhibitor must be the primary caretaker of the animal. Market beef must be born after January 1 of prior year. Exception: Grass Fed beef projects must be no older than 24 months by the date of Fair. 
  1. Eligible market entries must weigh at least 1050 lbs. to be eligible to sell through the market sale. Entries under 1050 lbs. will be shown in a feeder class. Market animals will go across the scale once during check in time.  Any beef over 1450 lbs. will be sold as a beef weighing 1450 lbs. No weight slips accepted.   
  1. Each exhibitor may enter and exhibit up to two Market Beef and unlimited breeding beef on their entry form and also exhibit up to two Market Beef at the fair. 
  2. Market Beef will compete in divided classes. Classes will be determined at the time of the show based upon weight and the number of entries. Weights will also be made available to the judge. Grand and Reserve Overall Champion will be selected from the top two (1st & 2nd) place winners from each of the weight classes.
  3. Immediately following the Market Beef show, each exhibitor must let the Beef Superintendent know which animal they will be selling.  Grand and Reserve Champion Market beef must sell.  Unless both are owned by a single exhibitor.  In this case the third overall will sell in the place of the Reserve Champion.  This is so that the one animal unit rule stands from the Market Livestock Sale Rules.
  4. Steers or heifers are eligible to be exhibited in the Market Class. Steers must be castrated prior to January weigh-in. Exhibitors must prove that the market heifer is pregnancy checked open by a Veterinarian or certified technician within 30 days of Fair.  
  5. The natural color of a market or breeding animal cannot be altered using any artificial coloring. However, products that match the animal’s natural color may be used in the fitting process from the knees and hocks down and on the switch only. For example, black products may be used on a black-legged animal, red on a red-legged animal, and white on a white-legged animal. But under no circumstances can color be used to cover an animal’s natural color or pattern, anywhere on the body.  Refer to the national code of ethical fitting. Disqualification for breaking this rule will results in selling last in order of Beef in the Market Sale. 
  6. A vet check is required upon arrival at the fairgrounds and before the animals can be unloaded and stalled in the barn.  A vet will be available at the time of the weigh-in. 
  7. In the event that a sedative must be used, the sedative must be prescribed and administered by a licensed veterinarian after the approval of the beef committee.
  8. The brand inspector will require a proper Bill of Sale on Weigh-in day. 

  9. The Beef Committee has the right to amend any rule when needed. 

  10. Market Beef must be without horns. Dehorned animals with scurs less than 2 inches may be allowed with written approval by the beef committee. 

Department: Beef


CLASS 1   Market Beef – Exhibitor may enter up to two market beef, 1050 pounds and over. Class will be split according to weight and number of entries. Members (except 1st year) must enter an option project.

(If you are bringing additional animals, please enter this division for each animal)

CLASS 2  Carcass Evaluation Contest – To be considered in the carcass evaluation contest, you must enter each animal on the entry form and pay $10.00 per head. Award monies will be paid to the top four places. 


(participation required of all exhibitors)

CLASS 1   Novice Division – (first year member, any age-if you opt to show here, not eligible for Round Robin)

CLASS 2   Junior Division – (ages 8-13)

CLASS 3   Senior Division – (ages 14 & over)


CLASS 1Junior Heifer Calves (calved Jan. 1st and after)

CLASS 2 Senior Heifer Calves (calved Sept. 1st – Dec. 31st)

CLASS 3 Summer Yearling Heifers(calved May 1st– Aug 31st)

CLASS 4 Junior Yearling Heifers (calved Jan 1st– Apr 30th)

CLASS 5 Cow-Calf Pair (with calf at side)

CLASS 6 Junior Bull Calves (calved Jan. 1st and after)

CLASS 7 Pen Show (halter broke bred heifer, cow calf pair, displayed in pen)


(Required by all members)

Option will be an Educational Written Test given at mandatory meeting. Tests will be according to age division and they will graded.

CLASS 1   Novice (First year in Project)

CLASS 2   Junior (4-H ages 8-13)

CLASS 3   Senior (4-H ages 14+)


CLASS 1 Gallatin County Bred & Fed Open to any market steer or market heifer born and raised in the Gallatin county AND exhibitor can provide proof. Award money is collected from sponsors and divided among live show winners and carcass winners.  In order to win award money from the bred and fed carcass portion, you must enter the carcass contest. As an added incentive, if there are more than eight head entered and shown, the Grand Champion Bred and Fed animal will be moved up in sale order and will sell at the Beginning of the purple ribbon placing steers. 

CLASS 2   Park Gallatin Hereford Association – Open to any steer with at least ½ Hereford breeding, the top four places will receive monies from the Park Gallatin Hereford Association - $100 to 1st place, $75 to 2nd place, $60 to 3rd & $50 to 4th place. If more than eight head are entered and shown the Grand Champion Hereford will be moved up in sale order and will sell at the Beginning of the purple ribbon placing steers.

CLASS 3 Red Angus – Must have 5 or more qualified entries to hold this class. Animals must be more than 50% Red Angus.