Livestock & Small Animal Projects: Sheep
General Information
Sheep Committee: Ruth Carr, Craig Carr, Katherine Dawe, Zach Dawe, Scott Rifle
Each exhibitor, parent and leader participating in this department is responsible for reading and complying with the Livestock General Rules and information section pertaining to this specific project.
Members must be currently enrolled in the Sheep Project.
Entry fees of $10.00/animal are due with completed entry form by 4-H entry deadline.
Exhibitors and Parents/Guardians must read and sign “Barn Rules”.
All Sheep members are required to compete a record book and an interview for the sheep project. Please contact Extension office to schedule interview time.
All exhibitors except Novice, must enter and exhibit an Educational Option (displayed in the Sheep barn – bring in on Tuesday). A breeding animal brought to Fair can substitute.
Exhibitors must have signed a “contract” and attended at least four (4) approved workshops by July 1.
Trophies may be awarded at Judge or Committee discretion providing exhibits exceed one entry per class and meet blue ribbon or higher standards.
Halters may be allowed in the ring at the Judge’s discretion.
Exhibitors must be checked-out by a committee member prior to release. Members leaving equipment, stalls or barn area dirty will be charged a cleaning fee of $25 to be deducted from market sale check from the sale of your market animals.
Rules & Regulations
- All sheep entering the fairgrounds must undergo a veterinary check or must have a current health certificate. Before being admitted to the fair, sheep must be sound, in good health, and free of communicable diseases. All breeding stock of any age must be identified with a Federal Scrapie Program identification number. This requirement also applies to all ewe lambs entered in market lamb classes. If the designated lamb does not have a Scrapie Tag, it will not be allowed to enter the fair.
- All market lambs shall be slick shorn prior to fair weigh in.
- Market lambs must be owned by the exhibitor, ear tagged by the Sheep Committee, and in member’s possession/care for a minimum of 70 days prior to Fair. All other sheep projects must meet the “90 days prior to Fair” rule.
Lambs must weigh at least 110 lbs. Lambs under 110 lbs. will not be allowed to sell but will be allowed to show in the feeder class. Lambs weighing over 160 pounds will be sold at 160 pounds.
Lambs will be divided into weight classes. Enter each lamb separately. If a 4-H member has 2 lambs in one weight class, they may find another Gallatin County 4-H/ FFA member to show for them. If a member cannot show their own lambs other arrangements must be made with another Gallatin County 4-H/FFA member to show for them and the Sheep Committee must be notified and will review and make all decisions on the request.
Each Exhibitor can enter a maximum of 2 lambs in the Gallatin County Fair.
Department: Sheep
Entries can be either ewes or wethers. To sell their lambs in the maker sale, exhibitors must participate in showmanship and lamb(s) must be shown in the market show. All market lambs shall be slick shorn prior to fair weigh in.
(If you are bringing additional animals, please enter this division for each animal)
Participation required of all exhibitors. Members choice of entered project sheep, no ewes over 1 year old or rams (safety issues).
CLASS 1 Novice – 1st year only regardless of age; entrants not eligible for Round Robin
CLASS 2 Junior Division – (4-H ages 8-13)
CLASS 3 Senior Division– (4-H ages 14+)
Members must be enrolled in a 4-H or FFA Breeding Project and only project animals may be entered. There is no limit on entries. Animals showing in Breeding Division cannot have been shown in the Market Lamb show. The supreme champion and reserved champion will be selected from the winner of breeding classes 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, and 9.
CLASS 1 Aged Ewe
CLASS 2 Ewe 1-2
CLASS 3 Ewe Lambs
CLASS 4 Ram Lambs (Born January 1st or later of current year)
CLASS 5 Produce of Dam (ewe with current year’s lamb(s) shown at side.
CLASS 6 Farm Flock (3 head owned by 1 exhibitor, no rams unless pre-entered in ram lamb class)
CLASS 7 Aged Ewe
CLASS 8 Ewe 1-2
CLASS 9 Ewe Lambs
CLASS 10 Ram Lambs (Born January 1st or later of current year)
CLASS 11 Produce of Dam (ewe with current year’s lamb(s) shown at side.
CLASS 12 Farm Flock (3 head owned by 1 exhibitor, no rams unless pre-entered in ram lamb class)
(Required by all members except 1st year. MAY INCLUDE POSTERS, EDUCATIONAL DISPLAYS, NOTEBOOK ESSAY, ETC. Posters will be displayed in the sheep barn.) Exhibiting a sheep breeding project at the fair counts as Educational Option
CLASS 1 Options
CLASS 2 Breeding Option
Open to all lambs entered in the Gallatin County Market Lamb Show. Lambs must be finished ewes or weathers with no weight limits. Lambs must be slick shorn. Attendance at ultrasound evaluation is required to receive ultrasound contest awards. Ultrasound awards will be determined by the Committee.