General Information

Swine Committee Members: Merle Farrier, Lauri Olsen, Lee Nuss, Kelly Pavlik, Brad & Lindsay Herron, Andrea Wass, Dave Huntley, Jennifer Hiester, and Travis Collins  

  • Each exhibitor, parent and leader participating in this department is responsible for reading and complying with the Livestock General Rules and information section pertaining to this specific project. 
  • ALL requirements must be met on the Swine Project Contract and the Gallatin County 4-H Livestock Contract that all members sign. 
  • An entry fee of $15.00/animal is due with completed entry form by 4-H entry deadline. 
  • Members must be currently enrolled in the Swine project through Gallatin County 4-H or FFA. 
  • All 4-H Swine members are required to complete a Record Book, seven workbook activities per year and an interview for the Swine project. Please contact the Extension Office to schedule an interview time. 
  • All 4-H and FFA Swine Members are required to participate in Showmanship. First year Swine Project members may show in the Novice Showmanship class regardless of age. Only the Grand and Reserve from the Junior and Senior Divisions will be eligible for the Round Robin. 
  • All 4-H and FFA Swine Members are required to enter an Educational Poster Option, these will be displayed in the Livestock Barn. The posters must be on display no later than Wednesday at 8 a.m. Members may not participate in the Market Sale if they do not enter and appropriately display a poster.  

Rules & Regulations

  1. Exhibitor is allowed to exhibit two (2) Market Weight Animals; two may be shown in the market class. First year Swine Project Members that have not been in a Market Livestock Project prior,  will only be allowed to exhibit one (1) Market Weight Animal, one will be shown in the Market Class. 
  2. All swine entering the fairgrounds must undergo a veterinary check before the animals can be unloaded and stalled in the barn.  A vet will be available at the time of the check in. 
  3. Market Swine will compete in divided classes. Classes will be determined at the time of the show based upon weight and the number of entries. 

Department: Swine


(If you are bringing additional animals, please enter this division for each animal)

Swine must weigh 220 pounds to sell in the Market Sale. Any swine under 220 pounds will show in the feeder class and will not sell in the Market Sale. Swine weighing over 290 pounds will be sold at 290 pounds in the sale. 


(participation required of all exhibitors)

CLASS 1   Novice Division (first year members, if entrants select this, not able to enter in Round Robin)

CLASS 2   Junior Division (4-H ages 8-13)

CLASS 3   Senior Division (4-H ages 14+)


(Required for ALL 4-H Swine Project Members! MAY INCLUDE POSTERS, EDUCATIONAL DISPLAYS. Submit to Swine Project Leaders with animal check-in. Posters will be displayed in the livestock barn.)

CLASS 1  Options 


Market swine bred in Gallatin County may be shown. Eligibility will be determined by the COOL Source Verification form Or Indicate on Fair Entry Form.