General Information

Goat Committee: Amy Brownell, Leah MacDonald, Char Seger, Gena Johnson, Melissa Krogstad

  • Each exhibitor, parent and leader participating in this department is responsible for reading and complying with the Livestock General Rules and information section pertaining to this specific project.
  • Members must be currently enrolled in the Goat project through Gallatin County 4-H or FFA.
  • All 4-H Goat members are required to complete a record book and an interview for the Goat project. Please contact the Extension Office to schedule interview time.
  • Exhibitors must have attended at least four approved workshops including at least one showmanship workshop by fair. 
  • It is required to participate in Showmanship.  Only the Grand and Reserve from the Junior and Senior Divisions will be eligible for the Round Robin.
  • All members in Goat (expect first year members) are required to enter an Educational option, these will be displayed in the Livestock barn.
  • No breeding age bucks will be allowed. All Dairy Goats must be polled or disbudded (exceptions may be approved by the livestock committee).
  • All animals must have gone through a veterinary check no more than 3 days prior to Fair or may go through inspection during Fair check-in (refer to schedule).   

Dress Code

White pants, White top required for Dairy.

Black pants, White top required for Market.

Showmanship follow the dress code for the animal you are showing in showmanship.

Boots are recommended for all classes.

FFA Official Dress required for FFA members

Rules & Regulations:

  1. All goats dairy must be CL tested every 3 years. Documentation must be turned into the goat committee by July 1st.
  2. The Goat Committee has the right to amend any rule when needed. 

Department: Goats


There is a maximum of 2 head per exhibitor, either doe or wether, weighing 70-150 pounds. Enter each goat separately. Members are required to show market goats. If goats are not shown, they will not be sold!
(If you are bringing additional animals, please enter this division for each animal) 


Participation required of all exhibitors.

CLASS 1   Novice Division – (first year member, any age, not eligible for Round Robin)

CLASS 2   Junior Division (ages 8-13)

CLASS 3   Senior Division (ages 14 & Up)


Participation required of all exhibitors.

The American Dairy Goat Assoc. provides the scoring system of showmanship and the breed show and those rules will prevail. 

CLASS 1   Novice Division – (first year member, any age, not eligible for Round Robin)

CLASS 2   Junior Division (ages 8-13)

CLASS 3   Senior Division (ages 14 & Up)



CLASS 1   Doelings (6 mo & under)

 Specify breed on registration

CLASS 2   Doelings (6 mo-12 mo)

Specify breed on registration

CLASS 3   Does, Dry (under 2 yr)

Specify breed on registration

CLASS 4   Does, Milking (under 2 yr)

Specify breed on registration

CLASS 5   Does (2-3 yrs)

Specify breed on registration

CLASS 6   Does (3 yrs and older)

Specify breed on registration

CLASS 7 – Buckling (male goat not castrated, born after January 1 of show year)

CLASS 8 – Product of Dam (kids produced by doe, shown with doe)

CLASS 9Get-Of-Sire (kids produced by same buck, shown together)

CLASS 10   Best Udder of Show



CLASS 11 – Doeling (under 1 yr)

CLASS 12 – Doe (1-2 yrs)

CLASS 13 - Aged Doe (3 yrs and older)


CLASS 1   Cart & Harness 

CLASS 2   Packing (Milking does entered in above classes are eligible) 


MAY INCLUDE POSTERS, EDUCATIONAL DISPLAYS, NOTEBOOK ESSAY, ETC. Posters will be displayed in the livestock barn.

CLASS 1 Options