Livestock & Small Animal Projects: Rabbits
General Information
Rabbit Committee Members: Larry Bittner, Cody Brownell, Regan Mangas, Danielle Freeburg, Misty Gruel, Colyn Wiening, Audrey Miller
Exhibitor must be enrolled in the 4-H project and attend at least 4 approved workshops by July 1
Rabbit must be owned and in the exhibitors care prior to May 1st , excluding Market rabbits. (Extreme exceptions may be considered by the rabbit committee).
An entry fee of $5 per market class exhibitor and $2 per animal in the breed show.
A $5 cage cleaning deposit per cage will be due at time of check-in. The deposit will be returned at check-out after cage has been cleaned. If paid by a check, the check will be held by the rabbit committee and returned at check-out.
All rabbits must pass the inspection of the veterinarian at check-in. If a rabbit is found to have any health issues that the veterinarian or rabbit committee finds a risk to the health of the rabbit or other rabbits, it will not be allowed to stay at the fair. The rabbit committee will attempt to make arrangements for the exhibitor to participate in as many events at the fair as possible.
All 4-H rabbit members are required to complete a record book and an interview prior to the fair.
All exhibitors will participate in an educational written test. This test will be given at the fair. Tests are given according to novice, junior and senior class and tests will be evaluated.
There will be High-Point Champion and High-Point Reserve awards for each of the age categories. High point will be determined by the top 3 points of the following 4 classes (showmanship, breed or pet, show jumping and the written test).
Barn Rules:
- The health and safety of the rabbits must be a priority at all times. The rabbit committee will intervene if necessary.
- Rabbits will be fed twice a day and clean water at all times.
- Cage and area under cage will be kept clean.
- As the rabbit is the exhibitor’s project, the exhibitor should care for the rabbit and clean the cage. Other rabbit exhibitors may help each other with the care of the rabbits.
- Rabbits must be in the Rabbit Barn during the open hours, from check-in on Monday thru check-out on Sunday.
- Exhibitors are responsible for having themselves and animal prepared and on time for each show.
- Courtesy and good sportsmanship are expected from exhibitors.
- Not following any rule, could result in the exhibitor returning any awards and removal from the Fair.
Department: Rabbits
Meat pens will consist of 3 rabbits. Rabbits will be no older than 10 weeks. Rabbits will weigh between 3.5 and 5.5 pounds. Rabbits will be the same breed and variety. They will not need to be from the same litter. 4-H member will be in possession of mother from the time of birth until the kids are weaned. Crossbreeds are allowed and will be shown in the crossbreed class. 4-H Member will need to have three rabbits chosen for fair 2 weeks prior to show date. The three rabbits chosen will need to be tattooed in their right ear by a rabbit committee member at this time. Rabbits will be judged on meat type (40 pts), condition (30 pts), uniformity (20 pts and fur (10pts) in this order as per A.R.B.A. Standards. Exhibitor may enter 2 market pens per class and may sell up to 2 market pens depending on other animals in sale. Only market pen classes are eligible to sale.
Class 1 Purebred Market Pen
Class 2 Crossbred Market Pen
Participation required of all exhibitors. Dress code: white collared shirt and black pants.
Class 1 Cloverbud - participation only (ages 5-7)
Class 2 Novice (first year members)
Class 3 Junior (ages 8-13)
Class 4 Senior (ages 14 & Up)
BREEDS - Rabbits must be entered by breed, variety, age & sex. Purebreds will be judged by A.R.B.A. “Standards of Perfection”. Exhibitor is allowed to enter 2 rabbits per CLASS per breed. Rabbits under 6 weeks of age, rabbits that are not weaned and capable of eating a normal pellet diet on a full time basis, rabbits that do not meet minimum Junior weights, pregnant doe(s) with litters under 6 weeks of age, or doe(s) with unweaned litters over 6 weeks of age will not be shown or displayed. All rabbits must be tattooed. List on the entry form-breed, variety, sex & age for both crossbreeds & purebred.
Definitions for Four and Six Breeds – Please refer to your 4-H workbook to see which class your breed falls under. Mixed breed/Pet Classes will run under one class and will not be subject to age classes.
Class 1 JUNIOR BUCK (6 mo & younger)
Specify breed on registration
Class 2 JUNIOR DOE (6 mo & younger)
Specify breed on registration
Class 3 INTERMEDIATE BUCK (6-8 mo)
Specify breed on registration
Class 4 INTERMEDIATE DOE (6-8 mo)
Specify breed on registration
Class 5 SENIOR BUCK (6 mo and older)
Specify breed on registration
Class 6 SENIOR DOE (6 mo and older)
Specify breed on registration
Class 1 BUCK
Specify breed on registration
Class 2 DOE
Specify breed on registration
Class 1 Cloverbud participation only (4-H ages 5-7)
Class 2 Novice (first year members)
Class 3 Junior (4-H ages 8-13)
Class 4 Senior (4-H ages 14 & Up)
(participation required of all exhibitors)
Entries are to be displayed in the rabbit barn. Poster or displays must pertain to rabbits (place name & address on back).
Class 1 Poster or Educational Display
Entries are to be displayed in the rabbit barn. Photo must be mounted on foam board or matted & pertain to rabbits (place name & address on back) Member must be author of photo. Turn in with animal check-in.